Started: 4/28/2022 7:58 AM
Picture Placeholder: Jim Hidson.
Jim Hidson.
How to change a status automatically with SPARK Workflow after calculated time
You can do that using the workflow functions, like this:
  1.  Create a workflow variable of type integer and include the following workflow functions to get the day differences between now and the date time column value:

  2. Same thing for the Hours difference using the following functions:

  3. Set these workflow variables in the timeout settings page fields like this:
  4. Your workflow should look like this:

Picture Placeholder: Jim Hidson.
  • Jim Hidson.
/_layouts/15/images/person.gif" alt="Picture Placeholder: Jim Hidson." />
Jim Hidson.
You can do that using the workflow functions, like this:
  1.  Create a workflow variable of type integer and include the following workflow functions to get the day differences between now and the date time column value:

  2. Same thing for the Hours difference using the following functions:

  3. Set these workflow variables in the timeout settings page fields like this:
  4. Your workflow should look like this:

04/28/2022 7:58 AM4/28/2022 7:58 AMNoCodes & Scripts
12/2/2021 4:19 AM
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