Edited: 12/5/2021 2:05 AM
Picture Placeholder: Jim Hidson.
Jim Hidson.
How to hide history log table ?

The actions history log table default’s behavior is to always appear even on new form. If you want to hide it on new form mode, you can create a formatting rule on the panel that handles all the log controls components inside, like this:
Click on the actions log main panel , click on control rules and create a formatting rule like thi​s.

Picture Placeholder: Jim Hidson.
  • Jim Hidson.
/_layouts/15/images/person.gif" alt="Picture Placeholder: Jim Hidson." />
Jim Hidson.

The actions history log table default’s behavior is to always appear even on new form. If you want to hide it on new form mode, you can create a formatting rule on the panel that handles all the log controls components inside, like this:
Click on the actions log main panel , click on control rules and create a formatting rule like thi​s.

012/5/2021 1:38 AM12/5/2021 2:05 AMNoSPARK Forms
12/2/2021 4:19 AM
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