Edited: 3/14/2022 3:14 AM
Picture Placeholder: Jim Hidson.
Jim Hidson.
Is there a function available to check if a user is part of a SharePoint Group?

​Yes, you can do this on SPARK Workflow by following these steps:

  1.  Us the function IsGroupMember in the “If Condition” activity like this:
  2. For example you can get the user ID from the list field like this by selecting It from the (fx) dialog:
    $func-IsGroupMember(Employee login,Group Name)
    Example: $func-IsGroupMember($WFItemFields(EmployeeLogin),"SPARK Owners")

Picture Placeholder: Jim Hidson.
  • Jim Hidson.
/_layouts/15/images/person.gif" alt="Picture Placeholder: Jim Hidson." />
Jim Hidson.

​Yes, you can do this on SPARK Workflow by following these steps:

  1.  Us the function IsGroupMember in the “If Condition” activity like this:
  2. For example you can get the user ID from the list field like this by selecting It from the (fx) dialog:
    $func-IsGroupMember(Employee login,Group Name)
    Example: $func-IsGroupMember($WFItemFields(EmployeeLogin),"SPARK Owners")

03/14/2022 2:53 AM3/14/2022 3:14 AMNoSPARK Workflow
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