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A powerful BPM solution by leveraging SPARK Workflow and SPARK Forms Builder capabilities

This video will show how SPARK Workflow and SPARK Forms Builder for SharePoint become a powerful business process management tool when combining their capabilities. you will see how easily you could create an approval process through SPARK Workflow and let the form's users respond, delegate, and track workflow actions from within the form itself. This video will show you how to create and link a workflow to a SharePoint form within few minutes.

Automated Tasks Delegation and Central Tasks Management in SPARK Workflow

This video will show you how you can create an automated delegation instances for your workflow tasks using SPARK Workflow "My Tasks Delegation" feature. this feature is very important for users and employees when they have to be absent from work because of a vacation or travel, once the user creates a delegation instance, all tasks which will be assigned to him in the future will be automatically delegated to another user within the absent period specified in the instance, the user can specify if this delegation will be applied "Globally" on the entire farm or on a site level for tasks been assigned from within this site, or even on a list level, the user will be able to create multiple instances to delegate tasks to different uses. The Site Administrator can create a delegation instance from any user to any user in case the user is unable to do it by himself. The Video will also show you a new great feature "Central Tasks Management" which allows Site's administrators to delegate or complete tasks on behalf of users in case they have many workflows stuck on a certain user account and that user is unable to access his account for any reason, administrators will be able to do a bulk delegations or complete an entire group of tasks with a click.
