How to create a list workflow using SPARK Workflow?

Last Update: December 16, 2018

Apply for: SPARK Workflow for SharePoint 2013/2016 and Office 365

Here are the steps on how to create a list workflow using SPARK Workflow.

  1. In the List or Library tools ribbon, in the Settings group, click on SPARK Workflow button or click on the arrow of SPARK Workflow button and then click on Create New Workflow.
    How to create a list workflow using SPARK Workflow.png
    For Office 365 new experience look, click on Manage SPARK Workflow button in the ribbon tools as follows.
    How to create a list workflow using SPARK Workflow2.png
    Then in the Workflow group, click the New List Workflow button as follows:
    How to create a list workflow using SPARK Workflow3.png
  2. In the workflow designer workspace, select the activity you want to add from the Workflow Activities Toolbox (on the left hand-side) or search for the activity using a keyword.
    How to create a list workflow using SPARK Workflow4.png
  3. Drag the activity onto the workflow canvas and drop it onto a design nodeHow to create a list workflow using SPARK Workflow5.png ​.